2025 Programme

Registration and refreshments
Welcome to UK RAWS 2025

 Filip Muysoms

Session 1: Robotic abdominal wall surgery: Yes, it is a thing!

Moderators: Annabelle De Troyer & Filip Muysoms

- Robotic platforms in the European Hernia Space | Deena Harji

- Starting robotic abdominal wall surgery | Altaf Awan

- Cost effectiveness of robotic inguinal hernia repair | Andreas Thalheimer 

- Robotic ventral hernia surgery in a high-volume center | Henrik Husu

- Q & A  

Industry Symposium - Why Retrain as a Robotic Surgeon – a senior surgeon’s perspective

Tan Arulampalam

Session Sponsored by CMR

Cost effectiveness of robotic ventral hernia surgery: data from the Danish Hernia Registry

Nadia Henriksen

Refreshments and exhibition viewing
Session 2: Robotic approach to defects of the linea alba

Moderators: Annabelle De Troyer & Andreas Thalheimer

Anatomy and the physics of the forces on the linea alba | Alix Donadieu

Lateral transabdominal approach to the linea alba | Imran Bhatti

Robotic eTEP approach to the linea alba | Bjorn Mück

Robotic options for diastasis recti | Filip Muysoms 

Q & A

Session 3: Robotic approach to complex abdominal wall hernias

Moderators: Nadia Henriksen & Bjorn Mück

- What makes a hernia complex and what to do about it? | Al Windsor

- Surgical anatomy of the subxyphoidal area | Alix Donadieu

Robotic approach to complex midline hernias | Filip Muysoms

Robotic approach to lumbar hernias | Bjorn Mück

Robotics in plastic surgery: Is that a thing? | David Ross

Q & A

Industry Symposium - Simplifying Robotic Access with Dexter® to Deliver the Best in Minimally Invasive Care

Sarah Moore

Session Sponsored by Distalmotion

Refreshments and exhibition viewing
Session 4: New stuff in robotic AWR?

Moderators: Deena Harji & Filip Muysoms

- Hernia repair with the Versius platform | Frances Dixon

- Hernia repair with the Dexter platform | Lukas Gantner

- Ventral hernia repair with the Hugo RAS system | Sebastien Strypstein

- Hernia surgery with the daVinci SP system | Annabelle De Troyer

- Q&A

Welcome Reception